Beautiful pics of Lindsay Sloane and Nita Strauss feet & legs

Lindsay Sloane is a comedian with a long career. In the CBS version of The Odd Couple, starring Matthew Perry, was her most recent regular series performance. The roles that she played in the past include the A24 show I'm Sorry as well as USA's Playing House. Sloane is next seen with Shailene... See additional Woodley Jamie Dornan and Sebastian Stan in Drake Doremus' Endings Beginnings. Warner Bros.'s popular comedy Horrible Bosses 2 and Horrible Bosses were among her previous movie credits. In the past, her features credits include the Warner Bros.'s successful comedy Horrible Bosses as well as Horrible Bosses 2.

Los Angeles born guitarist Nita Strauss has become a force to reckon with in the world of music and has been able to captivate audiences all over the US UK Europe South America Asia Australia and Africa. Nita is known to fans for being Demi Lovato's new guitarist Alice Cooper's tour guitarist since the last eight years, as the official guitar player for the Los Angeles Rams NFL Team as well as for her own sole career. Nita's skill, charismatic performance on stage, and a passion for her instrument have given her a stellar name in the music business. Nita also has endorsements from Ibanez Guitars Marshall Amplifiers DiMarzio pickups Monster Energy. Since beginning her career in touring Nita has performed to more than one million people per every year. Nita is featured in a variety of print magazines around the world including Guitar World or Guitar Player. In addition, she has appeared featured on a variety of soundtracks, trailers and albums. She also wrote her Guitar World monthly column, "Like A Hurricane". She is also one of the top musicians and has given talks across continents and countries.

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