Audrey Tautou

Audrey Tautou, the oldest of four sisters, was born on the 8th of August 1976 in Beaumont Puy-de-Domme. She was encouraged by dentist parents as well as a teacher who were both instructors in her pursuit of her passion to perform in theatre. It was in stark contrast with her previous desire to be a primatologist due to the fact that she loved monkeys. At the age of a young lady the rise to fame was fast and punctuated by initial successes. After finishing her studies, she participated in the French talent-scouting TV program Jeunes Premiers. She won best young Actress in Beziers Festival of Young Actors in the year 2000 and began her career as an actress. Tautou went to The Institut Catholique de Paris, in addition to attending church as a young girl. However she has now left the church. Tautou claims to be not necessarily Catholic. Alongside her acting career, Tautou has also been a model and the face of L'Oreal Mont Blanc as well as Chanel. Alongside her acting work She also takes an interest in photography. Recently, she exhibited a selection images at Arles Film Festival. Arles Film Festival, under the title Superficial. Photography of her is primarily focused on celebrity and fame, and will focus towards the reporters who sat on her after her meteoric rise to stardom with Amelie in addition to self-portraits. Audrey Tautou shot to stardom as well as international recognition with her first big role, starring in the role of The Fabuleux Destin d'Amelie Pouulain. Amelie was a box offices and was well-received by awards galas across all over the world. It remains the highest grossing French language film in the US. In the years following the film, she appeared in a variety of films, including British dramas to Jean Pierre Jeunet's Un long day of the fiancailles. Then she moved into Hollywood and was in the film with Tom Hanks alongside Ron Howard in The Da Vinci Code.

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